Tuesday, February 4, 2014

A year, and i haven't found out what labels are for.

Ok this is where e cliche goes "hi im back after soooo long i havent had time cos of sch,cca, church.." and so on and so forth. Lucky for you, im e coolest guy on earth and cliche just well, isn't my style =P so yeah, no cliches here(:

(Stop thinking this is cliche. It isn't. Really.)

See dan i learnt how to paragraph and it's all thanks to you. Bet you're proud of me! =)

I am blogging because it is cool and hip and i am cool and hip.

Anyways, (this ISNT KI, doof.), you ever wondered why the pong we're here on earth?
Ok this Is cliche but hey, it's important. hmph.

Seriously, i was watching forrest gump (Not A Word.) and couldnt help reflecting on that. again.
Ok for you deprived sad souls who havent watched it, it basically shows e lifestory of a guy called Forrest Gump (duh) Go watch it yourself. Im not posting no spoilers here.

*cough* He dies. *cough*

I have a strict no spoiler policy. It's just not nice.
Anyways, it really struck me. E dvd case hit my head when it fell off my shelf ='(
That aside, it really struck me. What's life about, to us?
Some of us view studies as the One and Only mostestest important thingy in life. Don't believe me, ask your parents.
Others, (like me!), may say friends and relationships are way more important than studies, and really we could get straight A's but have no friends it wouldnt be worth it at all. Yknow e whole EQ more important than IQ thing? yeah.

Honestly, i feel lotsa people definitely sway towards e relationships more impt than most other stuff cos well, imagine having all e money in e world but no one to share it with. So, dont mind me while i blog about what i believe in. It isn't biased, honest.

Ok so let's ASSUME im right, (that shouldnt be too difficult). We're heading down the road which goes "money can't buy happiness". It's really easy to see how- I guess most of us would take it this way: It cant buy you true friends. Or love. And other stuff. So yeah, money gets you lotsa stuff, but relationships, well, not that.

(I know this is uberrr long, but hey, i was bored, okay?)

So.. we're kinda saying that happiness, or most of ours anyways, stems from our relationships or love and things like that right? Just say yes. Be nice.
Ok so we're heading down this really nice path in life. It may not have all e riches in e world and it may be like, real tough, working 12 hours a day etc, but you've got great friends or even a spouse to get you through it. Their love, and yours, gets you through e arduous long days.

The years go by, sands of time trickle down, e years fly past, whatever. Time passes.

Soon enough, you find yourself facing retirement- it's a good thought i suppose, after years of slogging away. You and your spouse can Finally just sit down and relax, chill with friends (I have no idea what a bunch of elderly folk do when they, uh, Chill, but let's not get too imaginative here)
Ok lets say you're reclining in a rocking chair recounting fond memories, looking at photos. Memories just rock don't they.
Then, one by one, your friends get ill, bed-ridden, comatose, really sick, and they die. People you care about start dropping out of your life. The people you shared your joys and sorrows with are dead. Gone forever.

You mourn with your life-partner. Then your spouse dies too.

Memories are all you've got left.
Till you die, too.
Then you've got absolutely nothing. Nothing at all.
It's easy how we can say materialism's useless cos it's something we can't take with us when we die and all that stuff, but we cant take our memories with us either. We cant take warm fuzzy feelings and moments we treasure so much with us when we pass out of this life, into the next.

So, what on earth are we here for?? While we're living, so many things can mean sooo much to us. Our loved ones could mean e world, and we'd just Dieee if they were brutally ripped away from us. As as wise wise man once said, life is all about relationships after all huh. Without them, what'd there be left to live for?

As christians, I think our life's still all about relationships. But relationships with whom?
There's only one that truly counts, and if this relationship doesn't mean more to us than the world, then maybe there's something we gotta start thinking about.


Unknown said...

ah... going down memory lane are we? oh sheesh. forgot that we're not using clichés. here's one for measure by the way. ian's a doof. ok that doesn't really make sense... but just felt like saying it.

hmm... relationship with whom? i can't imAGine you know. but i think you've mentioned it once during our KI talks. or twice. one week. all of last year. oh well (credits to JK for that one (again)).

ian! you spoiled the whole movie! you just gave us the ending! i mean, it's such a new movie, and no one's watched it. humans i mean. probably the dinosaurs and prehistoric mammoths have. you were watching Forrest GUMP? in 2009?

Unknown said...

sheesh. forgot to sign the last entry.

yours truly,
legends never die

Sidharth Krishnan said...

I was thinking of whether to engage you in a very unfair intellectual debate about whether EQ is really more important than IQ. Then i decided that i'll just take it easy on you. you know, use simple words, easy examples, nursery rhymes, pop-up pictures, and little spaces for coloring things in...
so let's take a very simple example. Me. I am too modest to actually ever admit this, but i am the essence of the emotionally balanced genius. Ok, mebbe we're getting too close here.
but seriously, why can't people who are endowed with disproportionately large portions of IQ be considered on par with those with EQ? what difference does it really make as long as they use their potential to the max? how about yourself? you have the looks, you have the style, and you have the ... ahem. anyway.. you use them to YOUR advantage. and the guy with the EQ of a duck? :D. what about him? he's not much of an evolved human, but his intellectual capacity is prodigious isn't it? why do you consider yourself above duck-boy? Argumentum ad Hominem? anyway, he'll be remembered for his academics, and you for your philandering. sorry, no other word came to mind... hehe.

ian said...

memory lane, but without e rice padi fields (: hehe.
hahah shut up xD It's e 21st century, and you cant send smses. Could it have anything to do with where you are and e level of technological advancement of e area in question? It's possible. More importantly, it's Also probable =P hehe.

Anyways, yeah that was simple enough. haha. well, as with just about everything we've discussed, that question's crossed my mind too- I mean, heck, forget IQ and EQ; why are people who get straight A's branded "nerds", generally used in a derogatory sense, while well, someone who goes out all e time and gets home at 3am on a regular basis practically "looked up to" and branded as e guy with "A Life" so to speak. Is a life supposed to be devoid of academic achievements? If you win e most prestigious science award around sayy, e NASA essay award (dont read too much into that), are you basically on par with the rugby team who emerges champions?
Intelligence, academically, seems to be ironically under-rated nowadays. Yet is it a social paradigm, or well, e truth?
Im not here to continue a stupid essay on the relative importance of IQ and EQ, but well, personally la, i think EQ is rated higher in the social hierachy simply because to humans, feelings matter more than studies do. I think it's really a simple truth. Cos e average person'd probably prefer to have a whale of a time and fond memories and get AABB, rather than spend their whole lives studying and getting AAAAAAAAA. Yes, it aint comparing either side of both extremes, but like i said, e average person right? And im pretty sure e average person manages AABB without having to mug to death (:
Like you said, duck-boy (whoever he is. hehe) may be remembered for his exceptional academic achievement, and let's say im remembered for.. uh. being a friend who's always been there for others in their times of need.Eg when their friends are stuck in countries without hp signals and need these kinda rubbish to kill e boredom. (hypothetically speaking of course.) Yet at e end of e day, let's be honest- it does seem that e latter'd be worth more in this world wouldnt it. Now forget fallacies and crap like that. Which would You rather be remembered for?
Like i said, i think it's only human. Why? E answer to that qs, for me at any rate, lies within the bible and what i believe God has told me (:
If you'd rather be remembered for e former, well, like i said, average human! =P

Unknown said...

you complete IDIOT IAN LEONG.

"If you'd rather be remembered for e former, well, like i said, average human! =P"

what the HECK do i say to that? "Well i'd rather be proud of my intellect!"? Oh wait. that just makes me the average Joe. Shit.

actually though, i get the point about how being a mugger, brings aobut the stigmatized "nerd" and the regular schmoes i mean, guys, who go out partying "have a life".

you know, you should watch this movie called "The Bucket List." (Now That's a movie you should watch in 2009.) you'll like it. Morgan Freeman says in the opening lines...

"How do you measure a life? You measure yourself by the people who measure themselves by you."

That says a lot. I assume Ian understands what this means. It's quite confusing i know... if you get the meaning, skip the next paragraph.

it means, How many people care enough about you that they would measure their own lives upon your standards? (Ha Ian, bet you had to read this one) isn't that an incorrigible interpretation?

anyway. Everyone says that the value of your life is in what others place on it. Interesting thought, specially when you think that Mother Teresa will be remembered for ever more, though the inventor of the computer will be forgotten in a few years. But what happens when you live a life you're not happy with, by being nice to others and doing favors for others? You're a High IQ guy, zero EQ, but you decide to do God's work anyway, and forget the high IQ, I'll start doing CIP for the rest of my life. you're not happy, but oh well, God is.

That's Life?